Turning passion into profit

Turning passion into profit

So many of us have things we’re passionate about, but assume we have to fit in around the edges of sensible, earning lives. But over the last year or more – with Covid and Lockdown – everybody’s routines have been disrupted. And some of that disruption has proved really fruitful.
We’ve been forced to stop, and look at what we’re doing.
One Lockdown success story is Hanri van Wyk’s. Hanri, a long-term client of mine, has....

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Draw your ideal future

If you want to create changes in your life, I strongly suggest that you watch this TEDxTalk: Draw your future: Patti Dobrowolski.

The talk is both entertaining and inspiring. It shows you how to leverage your power of imagination and visualisation to actualise the desired vision of your future. I've used this exercise personally, and with many clients, with remarkable results.

The act of focusing on what is truly and profoundly important to you, and identifying your bold steps, has a powerful impact. Clearly, you have to take action too. But change always starts with clear, sharp, focus on what you want.

Click here to download her template. 

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Could a money coach solve your money problems?

Could a money coach solve your money problems?

Flic Everett, 46, is in debt, has no pension and does not own her own property, so she put her trust in me to help her get a grip on her finances, and to improve her relationship to money. 

This article in the FeMail gives you Flic’s account of what she got out of our sessions and from the work she prepared in advance of us meeting. It also gives you insight into what goes on in a coaching session and some of the exercises I use.

Read the article here

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The gift of giving

The gift of giving

I want to share with you the most profound and inspirational story about one of my clients. She first came to see me just over 3 years ago, having inherited money and wanting to experience self-empowerment. Her wish was to do something with the money which was meaningful to her. To extract purpose and meaning from the money that was not entangled in emotional connections to money in her family. She was aware that over time her relationship with the money had become tense and uncomfortable, sometimes tainted by shame and guilt - she wanted to heal this along the way. 

I'm thrilled by the progress she's made. The way that her relationship with money has changed. How she has carefully and methodically selected the right investment approach, and advice, to have confidence that her money is working well for her and aligned to her goals and integrity. How she is gaining confidence in her understanding of the complex financial landscape. And is standing in her power in so many different ways. 

But, I'm especially proud of ...

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sowing the seeds for financial success

sowing the seeds for financial success

This month our inboxes are overloaded with motivational messages, pinging at you like a hyperactive personal trainer: Lose weight! Get fit! Stop smoking! Start training! Write that book! Sort out your money! I'm advocating a calmer, gentler approach to achieving your financial goals; scaling down intentions to a manageable level. If you set yourself up to succeed, you'll be rewarded with an upward spiral of belief and trust in yourself.

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Draw your ideal future1

If you want to create changes in your life, I strongly suggest that you watch this TEDxTalk: Draw your future: Patti Dobrowolski.

The talk is both entertaining and inspiring. It shows you how to leverage your power of imagination and visualisation to actualise the desired vision of your future. I've used this exercise personally, and with many clients, with remarkable results.

The act of focusing on what is truly and profoundly important to you, and identifying your bold steps, has a powerful impact. Clearly, you have to take action too. But change always starts with clear, sharp, focus on what you want.

Click here to download her template. 

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Breathe into fear and make a wish

Breathe into fear and make a wish

“Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear." - Ambrose Redmoon.

I was just standing in a queue in a newsagent where the guy in front of me was buying a lottery ticket, reflecting on a conversation I had this morning with a client. He was telling me about a book called 'The Big Leap' where the author, Gay Hendricks, talks about how fear and excitement create the same sensations in our body, but that we try to get rid of the feeling of fear by holding our breath. Excitement can also turn into fear by holding our breath - just think 'rollercoaster rides'!

Instead, he suggests, that...

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7 Laws to Improve your Relationship with Money

7 Laws to Improve your Relationship with Money

Are you interested in creating a money breakthrough in your life or business?

I'm excited to be taking part in a fabulous FREE online event, run by my friend Helen Vandenberghe, alongside 19 other experts. My interview airs on Wednesday 27th August at 10am GMT, so register now to tune in! Register at http://www.getclientsfast.net. Or use this link to direct you straight to the teleseminar: http://instantteleseminar.com/?eventid=57994617.

My session will help you discover how to:

  • Apply the 7 Laws of Sheconomics to your business
  • Challenge your emotions and beliefs about money
  • Embrace looking at the numbers
  • Make your money fit with your life plan
  • Break the taboo of talking
  • about money
  • Take action to secure your future

And there's a special offer for those who tune in on the day.

Register now at: http://www.getclientsfast.net. Or go straight to http://instantteleseminar.com/?eventid=57994617

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Re-invigorating my ‘why’

Re-invigorating my ‘why’

I've had an exciting few months, which has caused me to be relatively quiet on the Wise Monkey social media front for a while. I took a bit of time out from tweeting and facebooking to take stock and plan my next direction. Some recent tasks and events - updating my website, creating a new video to succinctly explain what I do, regulatory issues and preparing a one-minute speech as well as a teleseminar - have required me to assess what I do and why, and to distill the essence of my work.

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Financial Life Planning

Financial Life Planning

Once a month the Life Planning community get together in what they call a “Town Hall Teleconference” (originated in the US as you no doubt guessed) where practitioners from all over the world discuss their experience of Financial Life Planning. People share questions, client experiences and insights and support each other to build a vibrant Life Planning community.

I was privileged to be invited to be a guest speaker at the Town Hall teleconference in July 2013 to talk about how I’ve integrated Financial Life Planning into my work ...

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What stops you from having the most fulfilling life?

What stops you from having the most fulfilling life?

I’m still buzzing from the Financial Life Planning conference, which took place in London at the end of January. The minute I walked into the conference room it felt like a family gathering. There was a sense of familiarity, warmth and openness there, and I felt a sense of belonging that’s not usual in the world of financial services!

I was also excited about having a chance to participate in a panel discussion covering how I’ve integrated Life Planning into my work ...

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Women show the way to post-RDR success

This article was created by Joanne Wallen from Complinet (joanne.wallen@complinet.com) and is reproduced here with her permission.

While some financial advisers are still fretting about the impact of the Retail Distribution Review on their business, two women are fired up by new business models to suit both ends of the financial spectrum. At the higher end, for those with at least some money to invest, Financial Life Planning is rapidly gaining momentum, while at the other end of the spectrum, financial coaching offers people who may have nothing but debt or a bad spending habit some tips for relieving money-related stress.

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