Don’t quit
I just came cross this poem, which I know will resonate for those of you reaching out to create something different in this world through your work:
Wise Monkey Financial Coaching
I just came cross this poem, which I know will resonate for those of you reaching out to create something different in this world through your work:
I’m very excited about a trip to Guildford on Tuesday 19th November to speak at an event with the Hub Dot. It would be great if you could join us.
Connecting through Children
A coffee morning unlike anything you’ve seen before
Tuesday 19th November
9.30am PROMPT ‘til 11.30am at Anthropologie, 149 High Street Guildford, GU1 3AD
Tickets are £10 and must be purchased in advance.
Need a boost to get your business moving?
I would love you to join me for the Expert Tele-summit on Improving Your Business. This is a FREE conference held over the phone over September 17 – 19. So you can dial in from the comfort of your home or office, and download the recordings if you can’t make the call. I am speaking on Thursday 19th September at 3pm BST about How to Improve your Relationship with Money and your Business using the 7 Laws of Sheconomics.
Once a month the Life Planning community get together in what they call a “Town Hall Teleconference” (originated in the US as you no doubt guessed) where practitioners from all over the world discuss their experience of Financial Life Planning. People share questions, client experiences and insights and support each other to build a vibrant Life Planning community.
I was privileged to be invited to be a guest speaker at the Town Hall teleconference in July 2013 to talk about how I’ve integrated Financial Life Planning into my work ...
My interview with Wired For Success TV, talking about my pioneering approach to helping people deal with their finances and tackle their
relationship with money. Boy, do I blink a lot!
You have the choice of watching a videoed recording or listening to a podcast of the interview.
It’s fantastic to hear about how people’s lives change through working on their relationship with money. An inspiring review on Amazon recently told how reading Sheconomics, combined with some one-to-one financial coaching, transformed one woman’s life. She cleared her debts and is hugely excited about being back in control financially.
But the next stage is even more exciting - doing some financial planning to help clients achieve their big dream. Here’s three steps to get you started…