Re-invigorating my ‘why’

Re-invigorating my ‘why’

I've had an exciting few months, which has caused me to be relatively quiet on the Wise Monkey social media front for a while. I took a bit of time out from tweeting and facebooking to take stock and plan my next direction. Some recent tasks and events - updating my website, creating a new video to succinctly explain what I do, regulatory issues and preparing a one-minute speech as well as a teleseminar - have required me to assess what I do and why, and to distill the essence of my work.

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‘Retail therapy’ not a myth—we spend when emotional

‘Retail therapy’ not a myth—we spend when emotional

By Marianne Curphey
Published: 15 April 2014

Think about the last time you went shopping for no particular reason. Perhaps it was a sunny Saturday afternoon, maybe just after hearing some excellent news. Or maybe it was a rainy, cold day, and you had just been through a breakup. Whether you're fuelling your good disposition or aiming to make yourself feel better, your mood has more impact on your spending than you may think. But there are ways to fight the urge to splurge.

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Do Happiness - an alternative to retail therapy

Do Happiness - an alternative to retail therapy

Spending can often fill a void and I’m always looking at ways to help clients lead more fulfilling lives, and use money in the most effective ways to create the lives they most desire.

At last scientists are starting to discover what really makes us happy. And now you can put it into action.

Do Something Different (the movement co-founded by Professor Karen Pine, co-author of Sheconomics) has teamed up with Action for Happiness to create Do Happiness. It’s all about less moaning and more appreciating.

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